* I'm so broke, I've stopped buying cups of coffee. A 13OZ can of Folger's was on sale in the neighborhood for $2.29. That' ll save me, ready......over $1,500 a year!

* If you have Verizon Wireless. Don't ever get the DARE touch-screen phone. Looks nice, but it sucks.

* Time Warner Cable tells me with basic cable service I can't use my DVR. They say it doesn't work with the scaled down service. I was supposed to drop the DVR off at one of their offices on Saturday, but it was snowing. I still have it and guess what, it's still recording shows!
* I'm a little concerned: The DOW fell below 7000, half of what it once was. When I worked at WABC, we were owned by Citadel Broadcasting. Their stock is now .09 cents a share and have been de-listed by the NYSE.

* Question? If second-hand smoke is so bad for you, why don't smoke detectors go off, even if 100 people are smoking cigarettes in your home?

* Big announcement: I am not the 212-million dollar winner of the Mega Millions jackpot, even though I bought 15 tickets. One of my tickets hit the Mega Ball #10.
Today, I am $2.00 richer. I will buy a cup of coffee today!
* I just made a giant pot of chicken vegetable soup, but I used too much water, so it wasn't as chickeny as I would have liked. I cheated and added canned stock.
* Someone I know was banned for life from a local bar for inappropriately touching one of the bartenders. He's a very well known person in education circles.

* Some lady just emailed me from Indonesia asking whether she should deposit $5,000 in an Ivory Coast bank, in order to get 2.5 million dollars from a relative she never heard of. She was about to do it. I talked her out of it. I blogged about this sort of scam earlier and I'm glad she read it. She told me if she made the deposit, she would have five dollars to her name.
* I never told anyone, but my parents know, I have stinky feet. My arm pits, though are fresh as a daisy!
* A few weeks ago I cashed in three coffee cans of collected coins, all denominations. I made $322.00.
* My dryer just broke.
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