Ever since I began writing about the hijinks of MS 313 Principal Suzane Joseph several weeks ago, teachers and parents alike have been flooding the blog with emails. They paint a very similar picture: Ms. Joseph is out of control and is an ineffective principal. Let's review some of the allegations:
Now, I present to you a series of letters from miffed teachers and parents. This represents a fraction of the emails that I have received. Although some have signed their names, I will continue to keep them anonymous, unless otherwise instructed.
After working hard to get my certification, I was very excited to start teaching. But, beginning my school career at MS 313 would turn out to be a nightmare. I spent the year dealing with constant disrespect and unprofessionalism from Principal Joseph. She constantly yelled at me and other teachers in front of other students, causing students to in turn disrespect teachers. This made running a classroom intolerable.
The situation in the school was so bad that before the school year ended, a majority of the teaching staff left, all by choice. But there were consequences towards their evaluations. Joseph always threatened to give a teacher an unsatisfactory rating when things did not go her way. She also would ask teachers to resign without any valid reason, just because she didn't like their teaching methods.
How can someone who belittles children by yelling and disrespecting them, be a judge of someone else's teaching methods? I'm not surprised that the situation in the school is deteriorating on a daily basis. Discipline last year was minimal at best. The only people who made a difference in a majority of the students behavior were the staff members who left MS 313 last July. The people in charge of discipline cannot discipline students who are allowed to walk in the hallways, texting each other, and avoiding classes.
It is a shame that teachers and concerned parents have been afraid to speak out on the problems at the school, in fear of retaliation by Principal Joseph. I hope that one day soon, the students can be saved from the constant abuse and negativity
I worked as an aide at MS313 during the last school year. I worked for a couple days in September 2008. I was fired by the maniac principal because I was close to the previous principal. I have news for you. The teachers were forced to change grades to make the school look good at the end of each marking period or else they were threatened with letters in their files for insubordination.Those employed at that school went through hell.
You have a dean disrespecting students. An AP yelling at the staff and most of all a so called principal with no regards for anyone, including teachers, students and parents. The UFT chapter leader works against the teachers and for the maniac principal.
Please get some help for the few sane ones living through that ordeal.
I have had to call the Parent Advocate, Chancellors Office and eventually Councilwoman Letitia James’ office because Ms. Joseph and staff were violating my sons rights by taking him out of class for an entire day because he didn’t have on a tie. Yes it sounds absurd but it is true. They felt that if children were missing a part of the school uniform, that they were being disruptive so they would not be allowed in class. I even called the office one day to let them know that my sons pants no longer fit and asked could he be excused for the day(from the save room) and be allowed to go to class. I was told by the AP at the time to send my son to school with his pants open, and to let him wear his shirt on the outside so no one could see. At that point I begin to actually read the chancellors regulation booklet that was sent home and learned that this was indeed against the chancellors regulations.
This blog was sent to me anonymously and at first I wasn't going to open it but I am glad that I did. Quite frankly I am concern about what I read because my child attends MS313.I am at a lost for words because some of the things that I have read are new to me. I attended a meeting and Ms. Joseph made it seem as if the change in staff was her idea for the betterment of the students, and not the result of her bullying. We have to find a way to get rid of her, because my child is in the 7th grade and I don't think changing schools at this time is best for her. My child is having a hard time in one particular class and the teacher happens to be new, now I'm left to wonder is he qualified to teach this class. Something has to be done because I only chose this school because of it's reputation. At the end of the day when I ask my child how was school I get the usual it was fine, or I hear about something that she thinks was funny. Once in a while I get to hear about the serious matters, but now I see that I will have to spend a little more time at the school. Thanks for the story it has opened my eyes to a lot of things.
Dear George
I am an educator who works at MS313.I am waiting for the end of the school year to transfer out.Teacher morale is very low. Disrespect from the principal Suzanne Joseph and assistant principal Esperance is at the highest level. Disrespect from the students and educators from Suzanne is ongoing.The UFT chapter leader Mary Wade works against the staff and for the principal.She misleads the teachers. The only thing Suzanne Joseph will do at the end of the school year is to give me a U rating like she did with some of the fifteen hard working, dedicated, staff members who walked out on her at the end of the 2008 school year.
I love teaching but under these conditions I cannot think straight. Most of Suzanne's newly hired staff are very unqualified.Common branch teachers are teaching as specialized teachers.Most of the new staff teaches out of their license. Whatever is discussed with the Chapter leader goes back uncensored to the so called principal and she comes back lashing her tongue and yelling at the teacher in the hallway and inside of the classroom, in the presence of the students. Suzanne Joseph is lacking decorum. She needs to take a course in first of all etiquette, then grammar, so that when she writes those threatening letters to the teachers, her spelling and grammar will be as a professional and not as an incoming sixth grader.
I am so sad for these students and my coworkers. These students are coming from low income homes and at times have only the meals that's given at the school.Suzanne Joseph insults parents,teachers, and students,publicly.
Please help. I am willing to have an interview with anyone.I hope the Union President hears about this principal and her devil behavior, and steps in to save the neighborhood children, the hard working teachers,and select a new chapter leader.
HELP with crazy principal. Current Teacher
I taught at MS 313 a few years ago, before Ms. Joseph came to the school, and while she was there as an AP. From the beginning, she was verbally abusive to students, while being an ineffective disciplinarian. Serious problems were not addressed - students who got into a physical fight in a classroom were taken to the office by security, only to be immediately returned to class. At the same time, Ms. Joseph would scream at and insult students in the hallways on their way to class (and insult their family members as well). I thought things were bad at MS 313 while I was there, but I understand that things have only gotten worse since Ms. Joseph became the principal - now the abuse is dished out to teachers as well as students. Students cannot learn much in an environment where they are being verbally abused on a daily basis. This is unacceptable... I only wish that it was a unique situation.
I got the link to this page from another teacher in the building. I teach in the school downstairs but I am good friends with the teachers from MS 313. I wish I could add my name but unfortunately I am going to have to speak in the dark as the other teacher did.
Everything that was posted previously about Ms. Joseph is true and then some. Teachers up at MS 313 are treated with no respect. They are screamed at in front of the children, as well as their professional standing is discussed with the children present. She removed their very successful basketball coach simply because he went to the union after getting hurt in the school breaking up a fight back in September. From what I heard they never even spoke to him to find out how he was doing or if he was coming back. I was told that this was the second fight in as many days and there was no male security to break it up. The only security was a young lady who was heard saying she is nothing getting into between those big boys. After returning in late October he found out he had been replaced without explanation. I know he would never admit or say publicly, but on his behalf I say I know he was disappointed to get hurt protecting the children only to lose his coaching position. Ms. Joseph even went as far as introducing a new teacher in his place without even knowing the outcome of his case. It was passed on to me that Ms. Joseph tried to remove the coach because he and Ms. Joseph were friends, which could cause a problem with him talking to other teachers. I speak highly of the coach since I have seen what he has done with a few of my past students who have gone up stairs to attend MS 313. He has taken girls in the neighborhood and traveled as for as Massachusetts so they can see the Basketball Hall of Fame. He has brought stability to a program that use to get no respect in this neighborhood. It is shame that now there is no program for other young ladies and the young men’s team has yet to play a game.
Since September MS 313 has lost two teachers and Ms. Joseph is trying to run out a third. There is a math teacher who since they couldn’t get rid of her, brought in a replacement while she is still in the building. This has caused a problem with the children’s morale. Since they don’t understand why she was removed from teaching them. However after hearing what happen to the other teachers they feel they are powerless to effect change.
This past week on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 I was told, during a poor attempt at a pep rally the children in the school were forced to sing the school song a second time after signing lack luster the first. Now here is the problem, the song is gospel song. The chancellors regulations states a child has the right to sit or not speak is they choose. The children’s rights were taken away with the threat of suspension as they sung. Ms. Joseph walked up and down the aisle looking for any student who was not singing. I was disgusted upon listening. To see children of color forced to do anything is lower than low. My own people have a history of abuse like the African Americans and I grew ill as it was explained to me.
The song is "I Can Do Anything by Antwaun Stanley".She tried to down play it when a student said are we supposed to be singing a church song in school. Ms. Joseph made the comment that she was happy that students are making the connection to the song but it’s not a church song. Well here is the singers own words from Amazon.com review,"Antwaun Stanley says about his debut record: "It is a young style of music that genuinely ministers to the heart of listeners, and allows a one-to-one connection with God. If you've had experiences like mine or face different challenges in your life, I want people to know that with hope and faith, there is nothing you can't conquer." I am sorry that is religion based.
The parents are misinformed, teachers are fearful and the children are unhappy. I have been around both of these schools for a few years. This neighborhood may not be the best but; MS 313 has a great history that has been tarnished. Teachers have been sent packing by a woman who is ruling under a cast iron fist. I can say this to anyone reading’ Come in interview the students, talk to the teachers off the record and then ask the Iron Maiden why have all these teachers left and all the changes needed if the scores went up last year??
I truly wish I could leave my name; I don’t want this woman coming downstairs in our affairs at PS 307 when our school is on the up swing. Ms. Joseph takes advantage of parents in the neighborhood not being as connected to the school itself as in other places. I hope my friend gets out like she is planning. I would love to see her come down here since I know she is a great teacher who is also hurting for the kids and looking to leave.
I am a veteran teacher, and taught at MS313 many years before Suzanne Joseph was sent in the middle of the school year as AP to the school. She made it known to the educators that she was in control. She started her yelling and disrespectfullness to the staff and students from then on.
Suzanne Joseph was given the Principals post the next year. By then she had no respect for her students and staff as well. She walked the hallway,classrooms, and offices discussing the teachers she cannot stand and her plans to get rid of them at the end of the school year. I found that to be very disrespectful.New teachers were never given the support they needed.Instead they were ridiculed anytime anyplace.
I hope the DOE will really reconsider those who are qualified in all ways for positions, instead of taking an unqualified person and giving them a post. It hurts everyone.
I have seen parents in tears, after they were yelled at and disrespected by Suzanne Joseph.Students were cutting classes to get away from Suzanne Joseph.
Whenever an incident took place in the school and teachers wrote up reports to the DOE and UFT they were reprimanded.
Suzanne Joseph has turned what used to be one of the best middle schools in Brooklyn to one of the worst schools.You must teach to the test.Nothing else was important.
During my last year of teaching at MS313, Suzanne Joseph said that she could not wait to get rid of me at the end of the school year. She even went on to say that I was teaching without a license for all of my teaching career. When I asked her to sign the loan forgiveness application, Suzanne Joseph kept it for three weeks. During the fourth week she sent it via the school aide. I was surprised out of my wits when I read the note that accompanied my application.The note stated that I was under qualified and she could not sign the application. I am state certified and teach in a shortage area,which is part of the requirement.
During the school year Suzanne Joseph sent the staff letters reminding them to go to open market-the DOE hiring system. More than 15 of the 24 educators who were hired at MS313 in 2008 left the school at the end of the last school year. They including myself are all very happy at this time on new jobs. However I feel very sad for my friends who remained behind and are undergoing the type of treatment that caused fifteen staff members to walk out at the end of the last school year.
I hope Suzanne Joseph gets the help she needs. Also at the end of the school year, when it is time for ratings, your staff members who made most of the level three and four to keep your school in good standing,and were never absent should never get a"U" along with being terminated from teaching in district 13.So you educators be good or find another school district.
I hope everyone including that excellent PE teacher who was hurt and who used to be Suzanne Joseph's best friend, and all of my friends for many years, long before the "Devil Principal" arrived at that institution have the best teaching year. As for Suzanne Joseph, only time will tell. Look at the end of the rainbow.
Thank You for bringing light to this... As a teacher in the school there isn't much we can say with something negative happening or being written up. We are threaten and verbally abused often and in front of the students. Our children are very unhappy and so is the staff.
The children of this community deserve better. I have heard children say often they hate school because they are yelled at everyday and forced to write simply because of the upcoming test. When the writing isn't completed they are removed from class to complete the assignments. Even though it’s against the chancellor's regulations children are mistreated verbally. Many complain yet it still happens.
My message to all outside MS 313, the real story is what goes on in the day to day happenings. Interview the children after school and they will tell you the truth. Anyone reading this "SEND HELP!!!!"
Us, teachers are even being forced to update a website that we believe is being monitored everyday by Ms. Joseph.
My last question is this. If our test scores went up last year, and they did, why did more then 10 teachers of a 21 staffed school leave, only to teach together at other schools??? HMMMM???
Please keep reporting the news and please do a follow up. Please pass this on to others.
This principal, Ms. Joseph should be ashamed of herself and perhaps take a job at your local detention center. She has clearly forgotten what an educator is and who they are working for. These are the children of tomorrow. Yes, they may be a challenge, yes out of control, yes disrespectful. However if you cannot treat your teachers with dignity and respect. The children will suffer. Remember even though you aren't always teaching, children are always learning.Children should be handled as unshaped clay that needs to be molded, from the way this monster is running that school, this mound of clay will only harden.
Ms. Joseph, do us all a favor and leave your profession. You are despicable!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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Please help the current staff and students at MS313. It is total cahos on a daily basis. Joseph needs to step back with her disrespectful manner and look back at how many of the best educators careers, life and professionalism she has destroyed. She was not the most suitable candidate for the job as AP and now Principal from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteJoseph tried her dirty trick in December. She tried to terminate the best parent coordinater who was ever hired at that school. It's not surprising. Every year she brings in a new person for that job. With Joseph it is her way or the highway. She stands in the office and in the hallway telling the staff that she can fire them just the same as the parent coordinator.
She discusses her staff with anyone. The chapter leader walks around the school with a notebook checking up on the othera workers and as though she is Adminstration. Mary Wade you are a common branch teacher. Joseph allowed you to teach SS. You are teaching grade 7 & 8 ELA. The whole adminstration at MS 313 needs to be investigated.
In Josephs' short time at MS313 she made too many good teachers leave or she terminated them from teaching. I remember this Hatian math teacher. She placed him in the rubber room couple weeks before the test. However his students scored the highest that year in the state exam. Joseph take a good look at yourself and for the good people employed by the DEO STOP treating your staff as if they are dirt.
Joseph you mistreated too many children. The heavier girls at the school you just could not stand them. They retaliated because of your constant harrassment. YHou pushed them to the limit. Those were some of the brightest and best students in the lower grades. ALL OF THE TEACHERS WHO HAD CONTROL OF STUDENTS LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU. You need to think before you; act.
There was a teacher with a speech impairment, you insulted her in tne classroom in front of the students, in the hallway, just name it. You disrespected her. At the end you terminated her from working at District 13. Her math scores were better than the othera person who taught math on the same level. Your math coach still cannot teach math. She has no control of the class.
Last year your now AP was the ELA coach. She had absolutely no control of the one eighth grade class she taught. Now she is running in to classrooms yelling at teachers and doing the favorite placing letterws in files. Esperance the now AP then ELA coach did nothing much for the students. The ELA grades last year were terrible. Joseph never disclosed them. She was very embarassed because most of the money was spent on ELA.
In the last staff meeting, Joseph told the staff on the day of the test do not ask her any question. If they do she would yell at them. Is that a leader? What Kind?
Presently there is one teacher who has twenty students in AIS. The maximum is ten. When the teacher confronted the chapter leader on this issue, she responded "You are on your own." She then wen to the office and bragged abouat it.
Mary Wade needs to be voted out as chapter leader. She mis informs the teachers especially new ones who are not aware of their rights.
When investigations begin remember to take down all of the office workers because they assisted in searching students bookbags which is illegal.
The only remedy for MS313 from here on is the removal of Joseph, her long time best friend Valmon, the dean and her best friend the now AP Esperance.
Good luck everyone, stay strong, noone can destroy your spirit.
this is coming the heart principal joseph has rudely disrepected the teachers, and student i have been at this school the beggining of the year and finds her very disrespectfull guess what she should be FIRED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei really do not know the principal but i know i do not like her she rude she was yelling at my child when i went to the school its a good thing i did come up there or else i wouldnt be able to write the she should be FIRED !!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI strongly believe that the reason Joseph the maniac has lost her mind, was bea-cause she never expected such a turnover with the staff. She never had control of the school. She tried to cover her lack of control by yelling and suspending students. The tables are turning Joseph.
ReplyDeleteI want to take you down memory lane couple years ago when you were in the classroom. You never had classroom management skills maniac . The students hated you. You could not stand to be a teacher in the classroom anymore. The students you taught then had no respect for you. I know people learn from their mistakes. You did not. I want your present staff to know, YOU WERE NEVER ABLE TO MANAGE A CLASS. It is very clear to me why yyou disrespect your strong teachers. Very simple, you cannot be in control like they do.
You take out your personal issues on your staff. I wonder how do you sleep at nights? ???????? Life can be a ???????
The team you brought from your last school to MS313 are just like you, disrespectful to staff and students.The world is now watching Joseph and crew.
Our students and dedicated teachers at MS313 deserve better.
Looking in from the outside.
Based on what is posted, this maniac needs to be removed from around children.
ReplyDeleteconcerned parent
How many more people does Joseph have to illtreat before justice is served?
ReplyDeleteconcerned parent
Since all that was happening at MS 313 came to light and certain things are still being exposed, MANIAC JOSEPH has been deep in the denial stage. She tells those waho she can persuade to listen that everything is untrue.I work at MS#!# and everything that was written so far has been so true. There are still some juicy information to suraface, I cannot wait for it to all come out.
ReplyDeleteStay tuned ...the best is still to come
ReplyDeleteJoseph's favorite line for the past years was "I was called from the classroom for the position as AP. I have news for all of the readers. Lets talk about the relationship you Joseph had then and have now with the person who offered you the position.How long have you two been dating???? Total conflict of interest ahaaaaa.The same as church and state,Gospel songs in the school.
You are telling concerned parents that you cannot be removed because of your relationship with the same person.He would not let you take a fall.He is in control, and the staff, students, and parents cannot do anything. We are all aware that he holds a high position at DOE. When the right time comes the name and job title will be all up in public.
You took advantage of so many grown people. Lets take a journey down memory lane:
The male Hatian math teacher you sent to the rubber room.
The female ELA teacher you terminated from working in district 13 last school year.
The SE teacher from two years ago.
The SE teacher you disrespected to the fullest last year
Your entire math department who left you last year.
The remainder of the fifteen who left because of your disrespectful behavior.
Those not mentioned.
How do you feel deep down?
What makes a successful school?
Certainly not weekly staff turnover. Why dont your advisors advise you on how to run a successful school? Heeemmmm Are they after your job?
As for the PE teacher you are trying so hard to get rid of, you hired a full time PE teacher in his place. You have him as a push in. In other words you are paying two people salaries to do the same job. Your school must have a lot of money,especially with budget cuts. You have the PE teacher who was your best friend now worst enemy, just pushing in in the classrooms.You then wakl around and question the teacjhers in the classroom as to whaat did that PE teacher do; during his time in the classroom.
DOE special investigator it is about time you look into this maniac's decisions. See where the school money goes.
Concerned Teacher
Well Joseph what goes around comes around.
Back to Joseph the MANIAC PRINCIPOAL:
ReplyDeleteHow many secretaries do you have at your school? Larger schools than yours have one. What is MINDY KIM'S job title. She was hired as an ESL teacher. How many students does she service during a given week? Why? Why not?
Just imagine at this time with budget cuts Mindy Kim works as Joseph's personal secretary on a teacher's salary. Don't get me wrong, she has her office,then she works directly from the MANIAC principal's office.
If Mindy Kim is a secretary she should be paid a secretary's salary,not a teacher's salary.Who are the ones losing out on their education. The ELL students.
Why is Maniac Joseph allowed to have two secretaries,one official and the other unofficial? Because she is cool with Dr. Machen. She is allowed to do anything.
Now what is the chapter leader the next stoogeMary Wade's take on that? She covers it up. She tells the staff do not allow anything about the school to get outside. Yet she goes against the staff.
Staff please vote that loser chapter leader out. There are genuine people who will serve you. You are entitled to vote her out. She needs to stop giving the students candies during the school day. They become hyper. Then again that is to bribe them. I wonder what she teaches. Students, sixth graders are given projects weekly. I wonder is that because of your lack of teaching skills. We all know that you taught elementary school for most of your teaching career. That does not mean that you can break the rules just as youra MANIAC PRINCIPAL does.
Also Jseph remember when you brought in a new math teacher without informing the current one.Those things are not nice to do to people. You had two teachers in one classroom.The first teacher had nothing to do. As someone wrote before HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?
How about your Saturday school? Remember when you had seven staff members servicing three students on saturdays.When the time comes to speak ther are already lined up.
I would follow very closely what becomes of MINDY KIM. How many years has she been working as your personal secretary on a teacher's salary? Something is wrong Joseph. Or I should say many things are incorrect.
ReplyDeleteMindy Kim did AIS with ELL students. Again the staff was informed that she was an ELL teacher. Here is proof, the following is her teaching credential; Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten And Grades 1-6 Provisional Certificate. How could someone like this service ESL or ELL students?
Dr. Machen you are acting as if you did not hear about this before from both parents and staff. You have been informed about all of these issues at the schoo,you swept them under the rug. I hope the rug is very small.But from how it seems youthe rug has to be very very large.
As someone mentioned two teachers in the same room,separate salaries and its just because Maniac Joseph dislikes one of the teachers.
Dr. Machen is time for you to step up to the plate.It was public info that after Adams left you; could not stand Joseph. What changed that? It could not be her work. Her skills are not up to standard.
looking for the outcome.
ESL parent
I am a concerned parent. Besides all of the disrespect that I have encountered at MS313, I have one concern. What happened to the science lab? Why arn't the eight graders allowed in the science lab. My son will have two science exams this year. How will he be prepared for the practical portionsif the eight graders are not allowed in the science lab.I tried contacting the school but I have been given the run around.
ReplyDeleteWhat became of the last science lab. My son told me the room is there and another teacher uses it as a classroom. What is really important at that school? Maybe everyone has become as maniac as MS Joseph
Dr Machen